Date: 03 November 1996
To: RichMailList
Subject: [RichMailList 92]: Creation 96 interview (6/96)

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From: Dawn Huth
Date: Fri,  1 Nov 1996 12:23:31
Subject: Internet Message 

  A station out of Lancaster (who Creationists should be familiar 
with) WJTL just upped their power this past weekend. I could only get 
it within a mile of my kids school until Monday. Now I can get it 
within 5 miles of my house (their school is about 17 miles from home.
) Well, lo and behold, I'm driving home and they announce that they 
are going to air to interviews from Creation artists. The first two  
are Carolyn Arends and Rich! I pulled over and sat in a parking lot 
for fear of loosing the signal and missing Rich's interview. ( A true 
Mullinite would drive toward the station to be doubly sure, right?!?) 
Anywho, I tried to jot some of his Mullinisms down. I believe the 
interviews were done by a Brian Beatty and were done right before or 
after their performance at Creation 96. He said growing up he 
wondered why he couldn't be a regular guy...he felt like a freak and 
a sissy. But God wants us to be underdogs to watch Him work in us.  
In the 20th century we have bought into the idea of "believing in 
ourselves." He said, "What if I was my own greatest hope? - Oh boy!" 
He said the world goes on whether we each succeed or fail, so we 
still have the freedom to try - this allows God to make us who HE 
wants us to be and not who we want to be.  He talked about the 
futility of life and the emptiness of it, especially apart from God. 
As usual, he had plenty to say in few words. Rich is definetly an 
equal opportunity offender, but let us remember, the Word of God is 
to those who don't believe (and sometimes even to us who do, yet 
can't let go of the flesh) a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.
 Perhaps if more folks were blatant about what Scripture has to say 
about issues, the church wouldn't be in such a mess...(don't get me 
In Him,
Psalms 33:18-22

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